Sunday, December 21, 2008

Homeward Bound!

Yes, that's right folks, at midday on Saturday December 20th, little John took his first big steps out into the wide world! We were told on Friday afternoon that they expected him to be discharged the next day (much to our say the least!). We spent the night at the hospital in their "nesting room", which basically gave us a test-run on looking after little John, while an experienced professional is only 300 paces away. Both Mum and Son did great, although I think little John is the only person who got some sleep that night!

We have set up camp at Nana West's house for the Holidays, and Grandma and Grandad Partridge will be meeting their first grandson in a couple of days. I think it's pretty safe to say that we're going to have a good time this Christmas! :)

Now for the Doctor's orders:

We will need to be extra-careful with Little John, as his immune system is not as strong as that of a full-term baby, and we are now in prime Germ season! Visitors can expect to be greeted at the door with a rigorous antibacterial cleansing routine, as even the littlest germs can make him pretty sick right now. He can't be near other kids or animals for a little while either. I hope you all understand, and we appreciate your patience and cooperation while little John builds up his antibodies!

Finally, once again, we want to give you all a HUGE thank you for the kinds words and support you have given us through this experience. We are very lucky to have you all in our lives, and we can't wait for you to meet our little lad!! :)

Happy Holidays!

Adam, Vicki & Little John


Steph said...

Congratulations!!! This is awesome, we're so happy for you!
You guys will sure have the best Christmas ever!

Steph, James and Liam-

Jill and Matt said...

Yay!! Congratulations! Welcome home Little John!
Have a very Merry Christmas with all of your family!

Much Love, Jill, Matt & Deacon

Jill said...

Merry Christmas Partridge family!! He looks so sweet.

All our love,
Jill, Aaron & Josh

Chellie Griffiths said...

Adam & Vicki

'Welcome Home Little John'

Many Congratulations on the birth of your gorgeous son..
Vicki you look amazing!

I hope that you have had a lovely Christmas and will have a Very Happy New Year.

All our love and best wishes to you all.

Michelle, Martin & Georgina

thetaylorfamily said...

Our heart really smiles for you guys! We have been thinking about you and can't wait to meet John when you get back to Asheville. Take care-Sarah and Win