Wednesday, January 28, 2009

In Due Time

Well, Tuesday the 27th was John's Due Date. I remember last summer, when I was 3 months pregnant, and on our fishing trip to Canada in memory of my dad, I caught the trip's biggest fish - a 7+ pound Northern Pike. As I held that fish I remember thinking, "this is what my baby will weigh when he is born." Well, I was off that mark by about half. But if he had been born yesterday my original estimate would have been spot on.

We weighed John last night and he came in at a whopping 7lbs and 2oz! Needless to say we are so excited and proud of our growing boy. To celebrate, I present a little photo montage with some shots requested by Nan West. Enjoy!

On the scale

Chillin' with the homies...

Grrrr...We are Bears!!!

naked baby time

in mommy's homecoming outfit


Brianna said...

He's absolutely amazing, Vicki. I enjoyed the potos - especially since I was going down memory lane today myself. Today is MY baby's 2nd birthday (and she was bigger than your fish - 9lbs, 9oz). Just wait until you look back at these precious pictures two years from now and realize just how amazing your time with John really is. Roll in it, soak it in and treasure it all!

Nancy West said...

Looking at these pics makes me cry!
He looks so happy and healthy. It just goes to show you,there is no substitute for good parenting! I am so proud of you both! You have gone the extra mile to give our "Little John" a great start!
Love, Mom (Nan West)
PS I know your dad would be proud too!

Pete West said...

I was gonna let it ride, but what kind of a little brother would I be if I didn't remind everyone that Wiley caught a NINE pounder and I caught a TEN pounder on last summer's trip? Your fish was big, but ours was bigger. Yes, I am this petty and Yes, John does look great.

Steph said...

Congrats, guys! That's so nice to hear! It was great to meet you guys while visiting Jilly, Matt & Deacon. I'm glad that John is getting to be such a big boy! :)


thetaylorfamily said...

I smile everytime I read your blog!!! So happy for your whole family!!! Know we are thinking about you guys-Sarah and Win

Unknown said...

Hi Adam and Victoria, we are following your blog and really pleased to see that John is doing so well. We have some news too. Graham and Nicola who now live in Perth, Australia are expecting our first grandchild in June and Helen and Luke are coming home from NZ end of March. Love to you both Sylvia and Harry xx