Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Happy Halloween!

As I may have mentioned, this is my Favorite time of year! And we had a lot of fun celebrating with friends and family...

We started by remembering the spirits of all those we love who are no longer in this world...

Which included a Werewolves of London tribute to Grandpa John.

Then we gathered all the sweet, costumed kiddies together for Trick-Or-Treat around our neighborhood.

It was Super-Cute.

John still needed a little help figuring out just what to do, but he was sure to say 'Please' and 'Thank You' even if he couldn't quite work out 'Trick-Or-Treat' at each house.

Hope you are having as much fun as we are this Fall!

1 comment:

lfg said...

Um, incredible! I am thinking about running away from home to join your itinerant troupe of werewolves. What a great tribute. What a great family.
