Thursday, August 19, 2010

A Brief Encounter

So there was Cowboy John, just minding his own business at the Pear Tree Saloon.....

But as his back was turned, in walked the prettiest Pirate ANYONE had ever seen...

He was anxious to make her acquaintance, but she was not sure about this stranger from the West...

She said "ARRRRRRRGH, I'm a pirate and we're not the friendly sort, see!"

Always a gentleman, Cowboy John, simply tipped his hat and said he meant no harm to this lovely Siren of the Sea....

The Maiden De La Mer was immediately disarmed, and the tides quickly changed in Cowboy John's favor....

John was pretty darn tootin' happy with the way things were shaping up, but the Pretty Pirate knew she would be sailing on and that their romance would end as quickly as it began....
Cowboy John couldn't bear to watch his Salty Sea Princess leave...
And it was she, who sailed off into the sunset, leaving heartache in her wake.....

1 comment:

The Aldays said...

that is by far the cutest romance between a cowboy and pirate lady i've ever seen. sometimes i just can't stand how cute our kids are. is that bad to say? i mean, they're pretty darn cute.