Friday, July 24, 2009

A Plethora of Missing Posts

So as John approaches his 8th month birthday, mom has got some catching up to do!

We have had a very busy few weeks indeed.

Our journeys started with a trip to Richmond to see my good friend Lindsay who just gave birth to beautiful twin boys, Oliver and Gabriel. Congrats, guys!

Next the family made the drive down to Warner Robins to celebrate the Fourth of July and Nan West's birthday (a little early).

This was followed by a beautiful couple of days in the Low country of South Carolina and Georgia, specifically, Hilton Head and Savannah. Check out the beach babes! We were also able to spend some time visiting with my good friend Caroline who is expecting her first bundle in September!

We got some good mileage out of our beautiful Bumbleride stroller, which handled the cobblestones and ferry rides of Savannah with ease!

Finally, Johnny and Mommy spent a week hanging with Aunt Vicki while Nan West took a much deserved cruise! During this week you can see that John mastered his skills of devouring of solid foods(with a lot of coaching from Aunt Vicki) and of sitting up all by himself.

All travel complete for now, we are glad to be home and Flex is glad to have someone back on his level!

Next trip - to see the Partridges, Bates, and English Mates!

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