Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The News is in!!!

Well the results are in, so for all of you that were sure that Wolfgang was really a Wolfie, check out the picture! As revealed by the side of the cookie cake to which Adam is pointing, we are having a BOY!!! Adam's awesome coworkers were ready in any event with a tasty treat! Thanks EPS!!!


Benjammin said...

Mmmm cookie cakes are the best. I assume we will see you guys at Sean's wedding this weekend?

Jill and Matt said...

Yay!! Congratulations!! You guys are in for a lot of fun! xoxo

Unknown said...

Great great news guys!A further Partridge to carry on the mantle.

Speak to you soon.


Pete West said...

BWAA, HA, HA! Do you have any idea how much fun I'm going to have with this kid? Camping, fishing, shooting, wrestling, and eventually beer. And when he asks me the meaning of life, I'll smile, remind him that he once had gills and a tail, then show him Conan the Barbarian.

Pete said...

thats some great catalogue pointing there mate, you ever thought about modelling?

Well pleased about the bump you guys, v excited for you both. Hope you play lots of "icelandic whale music" around the place!!!


Lindsay Morales said...


Lindsay Morales said...


Christopher D. Bate said...


thetaylorfamily said...

So excited for you guys! Love the blog-How fun! ST