Friday, June 17, 2011

Another Partridge in the Peartree

Peartree Nation,

Apologies for the lack of blogs, as you can imagine, finding some free time with a vivacious two-year-old boy in the house isn't always easy! We do have some extra-special news to share, as our second son, James Edward Partridge, was born at 10.40am on Wednesday June 15th, 2011. James weighed 7lbs 110z and measured 20 inches long. Both mother and son have been doing great, and we expect to be back home tomorrow, Saturday June 18th.

Here are some photos of James' arrival, his visit from Nan West aka "Gaga", and the special moment when his best friend and older brother finally got to meet his brother, and shower him in hugs and kisses. John will be counting down the minutes till James gets home, and then the fun will REALLY begin!

Lots of Love,

Adam, Vicki, John and James